/ Plugins / Phantasm / Hue/Saturation


Article ID: e3ffc058-539a-4aa3-abed-e92ed1566d10

Phantasm Hue/Saturation is a live effect/filter that allows hue, saturation, and lightness correction of artwork similar to Photoshop’s. As a live effect, it is accessible through the main menu, under Effect > Phantasm > Hue/Saturation. It can also be applied directly from the Appearance panel using the “Add New Effect” button at the bottom of the panel, or through the Phantasm panel (see Phantasm: Panel).

After applying the live effect using the menu item (or when clicking on the existing effect in the Appearance panel to edit it), the parameters dialog will appear:

Phantasm Hue/Saturation Dialog

Phantasm Hue/Saturation Dialog

1. Hue Range Pull-down Menu

When set to Master, the adjustments will apply to all colors in the artwork. However, it can also be changed to one of six independent hue ranges. By default, these are: Reds, Yellows, Greens, Cyans, Blues, and Magentas. Each color can have its own adjustment parameters, with variable start, fade-in, end, and fade-out parameters (see item 6 below). These color ranges refer the artwork’s original colors, not the color that results from any Master adjustment. The menu is not available when Colorize is being used.

2. Hue

Adjusts the hue of the art, from –180 to 180. The slider may be dragged, or a numerical value entered directly.

Phantasm Hue Examples

Phantasm Hue Examples

3. Saturation

Adjusts the saturation of the art, from –100 to 100. The slider may be dragged, or a numerical value entered directly.

Phantasm Saturation Examples

Phantasm Saturation Examples

4. Lightness

Adjusts the lightness of the art, from –100 to 100. The slider may be dragged, or a numerical value entered directly.

Phantasm Lightness Examples

Phantasm Lightness Examples

5. Colorize Checkbox

When enabled, the hue/saturation/lightness functionality is changed; the artwork is changed to a single hue, with adjustable saturation and lightness. In Colorize mode, the Hue parameter changes to a range of 0 to 360, and the Lightness parameter changes to a range of 0 to 100. The Hue Range Pull-down Menu is no longer available.

Phantasm HLS with Colorize Examples

Phantasm HLS with Colorize Examples

6. Color Range Stripes

The top stripe represents the original colors, and the bottom stripe shows the corresponding colors after adjustment. Certain adjustments may not be clearly reflected in the stripes, such as increasing the saturation, as the colors shown are already saturated. When adjusting a hue range other than Master, the stripes will also display controls which offer the ability to adjust the start, fade-in, end, and fade-out parameters for that range:

Phantasm HLS with Colorize Examples

Phantasm HLS with Colorize Examples

To edit the hue range controls, drag the inner controls (B and D) to specify the range that will be affected 100% and the outer controls (A and E) for the fade-in/fade-out limits. Dragging the area marked C will move all four controls together. It is also possible to drag the regions between controls A and B, and between D and E, to move the pair of controls together (this also makes it possible to put A or E on the opposite end of the stripe from its corresponding inner control). Numeric values are shown for each control’s position above the upper color stripe (a, b, d, and e).

The Hue Range menu color name entries will adjust automatically to best describe the range that is described by the controls. If there are multiple ranges that describe the same basic color, a number will be appended to the color name (for example, there might be Reds and Reds 2).