/ Plugins / Phantasm / Invert


Article ID: 5a16a5b3-789d-4e9f-a0fd-ab876391e867

Phantasm Invert is a live effect/filter that simply inverts the levels of all color channels. As a live effect, it is accessible through the main menu, under Effect > Phantasm > Invert. It can also be applied directly from the Appearance panel using the “Add New Effect” button at the bottom of the panel, or through the Phantasm panel (see Phantasm: Panel).

After applying the live effect using the menu item (or when clicking on the existing effect in the Appearance panel to edit it), the parameters dialog will appear:

Phantasm Invert Dialog

Phantasm Invert Dialog

1. Invert Appearance

Available only if the document is in CMYK color space. Most common CMYK colors do not have large amounts of Black in them, so when that channel is inverted, the Black level becomes high and the colors typically get very dark. When Invert Appearance is enabled, artwork is instead inverted in a visually-similar way to how RGB artwork would be inverted, which is generally more useful:

Phantasm Invert Example

Phantasm Invert Example