Phantasm Panel Flyout Menu

Article ID: 10edb98c-5a60-460d-9696-eda50bbd2a8d

Phantasm Panel Flyout Menu

Phantasm Panel Flyout Menu

1. Apply to Fill/Stroke/Text Options...

Shows or hides the “Apply to” specification area near the top of the panel. A checkmark symbol means the area will be shown on the panel.

2–9. Effect Areas

Shows or hides the corresponding effect from the panel. Hiding effects that you never use makes the panel smaller and less cluttered, and therefore easier to focus on the effects that you do use. A checkmark symbol appears next to each effect which will be included on the panel.

10. Require Shift to Unify Mixed Effect Parameters

When multiple objects with different live effect parameters are targeted, the Appearance panel will display Mixed Appearances. Normally, the parameters dialog for an effect with different parameters is prevented from being opened because the clickable entry in the Appearance panel with the live effect’s name is simply not present. However, since the Phantasm panel has the ability to open the parameters dialog by clicking on the effect’s icon, it also allows you to automatically unify the parameters (that is, make them the same for all objects, using the bottommost object as the “master”) and therefore allow the dialog to open. By default, this requires holding the Shift key when clicking the icon so that parameters are not unified inadvertently, and if the icon is clicked without Shift when Mixed Appearance is showing, the following dialog will appear:

Phantasm Mixed Appearance Warning Dialog

Phantasm Mixed Appearance Warning Dialog

If you are aware of the unifying behavior when dealing with mixed appearances and want to avoid having to hold Shift, you may wish to turn off the Require Shift to Unify Mixed Effect Parameters preference.

11. Sliders Have Live Preview

When enabled, dragging one of the sliders on the Phantasm panel will update the artwork in real time instead of only when the mouse button is released. Pressing the Shift key when dragging will temporarily invert the preference setting (e.g., if live preview is off, it will turn it on while the modifier key is down).

12. Reset Panel Warnings

Available when a panel warning or notification has been hidden with Don’t show again; it will allow the warning or notification to be displayed once again.