Stylism Panel Flyout Menu

Article ID: 68777239-fde5-4a46-a440-9e9a41b3730a

The Stylism panel flyout menu items are contextually sensitive and all items may not be available, depending on the current selection.

Stylism Panel Flyout Menu

Stylism Panel Flyout Menu

1. Apply Effect Items

Each menu item adds the corresponding effect to the selected art, just as clicking on the panel effects buttons would do. If all of the selected art objects already contain the effect in question, the menu item will be disabled. Custom parameters set up through the buttons apply.

2. Remove All Selected Effect Items

Each menu item removes all instances of the corresponding effect from all selected artwork.

3. Lower Resolution When Editing

If the menu has a checkmark next to it, the setting is enabled. When enabled, and a raster-based effect (Drop Shadow, Feather, Inner Glow, Outer Glow, or Gaussian Blur) is edited with the Stylism tool, the Document Effects Raster Resolution setting will automatically be changed to the lower of the two values contained in the buttons at the top of the panel.

4. Auto Pad Raster Effects

If the menu has a checkmark next to it, the setting is enabled. When enabled, and a Gaussian Blur effect’s blur parameter is edited with the Stylism tool, increasing the blur radius to a value that exceeds the native Document Raster Effects Setting “Add [X] Around Object”, then this setting will automatically be increased to avoid clipping, and a warning dialog will be shown (unless it has been hidden with Don’t show again).

5. Reset All Standard Effects

Resets the parameters that are assigned to new instances of the eight Stylism-handled effects (when adding them through the top panel buttons or the first eight panel flyout menu items) to the default values that would be assigned if the effects were added through the Effect menu.

6. Live Effect Explorer...

Opens the Live Effect Explorer dialog (see Stylism: Live Effect Explorer).

7. Export User-Defined Favorites...

Brings up a standard OS save dialog through which the contents of the four user-defined favorite panel buttons can be saved to a .SUDF (“Stylism User-Defined Favorites”) file.

8. Import User-Defined Favorites...

Brings up a standard OS open dialog through which the contents of the four user-defined favorite panel buttons can be imported, by opening a previously saved .SUDF (“Stylism User-Defined Favorites”) file.

9. Hide Contour Control

The bottom area of the panel, showing the contour graph, preset buttons, and mode buttons, can be hidden using this menu item to make the panel more compact. When the area are hidden, the menu item will change to Show Contour Control.

10. Stylism Preferences…

Brings up the Preferences dialog (see Stylism: Preferences).