Article ID: 5cbc3264-60b5-40da-8a84-c7c3c6f60892
Texture Brush Panel Flyout Menu
When expanded, the panel shows the size control, opacity control, roundness/angle control, reset mask area, and invert mask button.
Resets the texture mask(s), just as clicking the Reset Mask button on the panel would.
Inverts the texture mask(s), just as clicking the Invert Mask button on the panel would.
Copies the texture mask to an internal clipboard. If multiple masks are selected, only the topmost mask is copied.
Replaces the currently selected mask(s) with the texture mask that is in the internal clipboard. If the mask in the clipboard has different dimensions than a current mask, it is stretched to fit.
Removes the currently selected mask(s), thereby restoring any selected Texture live effects to the state they had before they were brushed or had a mask pasted in.
Brings up the Preferences dialog (see Texture Brush: Preferences).